Grateful Tuesdays letter L

Hello there, I know I'm a little late on the grateful Tuesday this week. I am sorry. I had gotten busy this week and so now I have found time to complete this assiengment. So without further adieu...
Lucas George - I am grateful for his talented ways he tells stories.
Lando Calrissian - I am grateful for the was he handled the Empire.
Lord Darth Vader - I am grateful for how he makes me laugh!
Love - I am grateful for that emotion.
Letters - I am greatful when I get letters in the mail.
Lima beans - I am grateful for them I love them. Yummy!
Lettuce - I am grateful for the many things you can put with it to eat.
Lemon Lime soda - I am grateful because it makes me feel better when I drink it if I have a tummy ache.
Lemon pies - I am gateful for they are yummy!
Lemon-aid - I am grateful because it is good to drink on hot days.
School news : Well one of my classes ends next week giving me one class left to complete for this term. I have one term paper due on November 29th.
Other news : Alex and I are celebrating as of November 23rd We will be married one month. I do Love Him with all my heart!
Shout outs : Hello there Anakin and Padme they celebrated receintly their 10 year Wedding Annaversery Congradulations! Hello Lurkers, please comment in my blog?
Star Wars questions to ponder : .......
1. What is the biggest Star Wars toy you own?
2. What would you like to own?
3. Do you think any of the cast or crew collects Star Wars items?