Grateful Tuesdays Letter O

Obi Wan Kenobi - I am grateful for the joy and wisdom he had and shared.
Owen Lars - I am grateful because he raised Luke.
Orbit - I am grateful for the orbit that surrounds us.
Oneness - I am grateful for the oneness I now know because of the Force
Openess - I am grateful for the openness, I feel around my Husband.
Oranges - I am grateful for the sweet tastes especialy OJ in the morning!
Oreo's - I am grateful for the chocolate double stuffed ones, yummy!
Orange soda - I am grateful for it cus it tastes so good!
School News: Well all my finnals are done now! No more school until Jan 15th 2007! I passed my Meditation 101 class with an A+!
Other News: Alex and I are doing ok. Our car got broken into last Sunday so we are cleaning up the mess, and having to repair the passanger side window.
Shout Outs! : Hello there lurkers and Anakin and Padme. Sorry I havent posted much I have been so busy with school and all!
Star Wars questions to ponder...
1. What do you think the Jedi Trials were?
2. If you failed the Jedi Trials then what?
3. What gets a Jedi to the place where they are ready for the Jedi Trials?
Well I know this was a short post, but I am a bit tired now and want to go off to bed soon! See you all next week and May the Force be with you always!
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