Grateful Tuesdays letter L

Hello there, I know I'm a little late on the grateful Tuesday this week. I am sorry. I had gotten busy this week and so now I have found time to complete this assiengment. So without further adieu...
Lucas George - I am grateful for his talented ways he tells stories.
Lando Calrissian - I am grateful for the was he handled the Empire.
Lord Darth Vader - I am grateful for how he makes me laugh!
Love - I am grateful for that emotion.
Letters - I am greatful when I get letters in the mail.
Lima beans - I am grateful for them I love them. Yummy!
Lettuce - I am grateful for the many things you can put with it to eat.
Lemon Lime soda - I am grateful because it makes me feel better when I drink it if I have a tummy ache.
Lemon pies - I am gateful for they are yummy!
Lemon-aid - I am grateful because it is good to drink on hot days.
School news : Well one of my classes ends next week giving me one class left to complete for this term. I have one term paper due on November 29th.
Other news : Alex and I are celebrating as of November 23rd We will be married one month. I do Love Him with all my heart!
Shout outs : Hello there Anakin and Padme they celebrated receintly their 10 year Wedding Annaversery Congradulations! Hello Lurkers, please comment in my blog?
Star Wars questions to ponder : .......
1. What is the biggest Star Wars toy you own?
2. What would you like to own?
3. Do you think any of the cast or crew collects Star Wars items?
Hello belda,
I'm sorry we havn't been able to chat lately. I think of you often, my friend. I love your list for L's. You always think of things that I don't. Lettuce and lemon-aid are good ones! ;)
Thanks for the shout out for our anniversary. Congrats on one month married. I hope married life is treating you well?
Hope we can catch up soon.
We have many different star wars favorite is the Darth piggy bank by our bed that makes darth noises. It's funny. :)
May the force be with you!
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