Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Gratitude Tuesdays Letter H

Hello there,

Here's my Greatful Tuesdays letter H list...

Husband - I am greatful for my wonderful Husband! I love him so much!

Honor - I am greatful to know how to show Honor.

Horor - I am greratful for all the cool horor movies out there.

Hayden Christensen - Again I list him because I am greatful for his wonderful acting abilities.

Harrison Ford - I am greatful he played Han Solo.

Hyperspace - I am greatful to be a member of www.hyperspace.com

Hip-Hop - I am greatful for the beat.

Holidays - I am greatful for all the fun, the traditions, and the food on those days.

Halloween - I am greatful cuz of all the candy and the costuming!

Hugs - I am greatful for hugs.

Health - I am greatful for good healthy foods and fun to keep us all well.

Harps - I am greatful for their lovely, peaceful sound.

Homework - I am greatful when I get it all done.

Home - I am greatful to have a place to live.

Housework - I am greatful when that is done also.

Housewife - I am greatful Alex is allowing me to become a housewife.

Hot dogs - I am greatful to eat those at Baseball games.

Well thats all I could think of today.

News: Well I guess by now you know I am now happily married to Alex. Alex is the Dominate one I have truelly longed for in my life. I love the feeling of being submitted to Him. Now that we are married I am His. I belong totally to Him. I seek to please Him in every way!

School news: Well? I am finding it hard to stay on top of my Homework assingments. Maybe its because I lack the proper disipline? Maybe Alex can find a proper way to motivate me to do my work?

Shout Outs: I wanted to say this pic I chose today was cool! Thank you www.georgettesworld.com for allowing me to borrow it. I love it! I also wanted to say Hello to Anakin and Padme from http://darkside-journey.blogspot.com/ for all the wonderful work they did on my blog and for the cards and the post announcing Alex's and mine wedding. Your the Best! Also thanks everyone who commented and wished Alex and I a wonderful life together.

Here's a few Star Wars Questions to ponder :
1. Do you think Obi-Wan accepted Anakin's and Padme's union?

2. Do you think Palpatine had a wife?

3. Do you think that durring the Jedi Purge around the time of the Galatic Empire that some Jedi's got married?

Well that's all I have for now... Until next Post, TTFN! May the Force be with You always!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Congratulations belda!!

I hope that this is a surprise to you, my good friend, belda...

I know I have only posted once but I really wanted to post in your blog today and say CONGRATULATIONS to you, my jedi friend. I'm so happy for you today that you have married alex, your love...

Master Anakin and I both want to wish you both so much happiness for your future together.

May the force be with you both...

Anakin and padme from Journey to the Darkside

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gratitude Tuesday's letter G

Here is my lists of G's

George Lucas - I am greatful for him because he created Star Wars and many other wonderful sci-fi movies.

Georgeous Guys - I am greatful that I can see them.

Greatful Tuesdays - I am greatful because my dear friends Anakin and Padme showed me this...

Grapes - I am greatful for the many different kinds of grapes... yummy!

Giant Burritos - I am greatful for their different flavors and all the things yolu can put in them.

Grandparents - I am greatful to have them both in spitit and in the natural.

God - I am greatful to believe in Him.

Goodness - I am greatful to have seen some goodness around still.

Gladness - I am greatful to see gladness and joy.

Giving - I am greatful for all the giving people out there.

Well That's my list of G's.

School news...
Here's some news about the Jedi Academy I'm attending. All my classes seem to be going really good. Very easy going. I will possibly take only 1 or 2 classes next term?

Other News...
Alex and I are planning to be getting married. Yes I know it's a little soon, but He's happy with me, and I'm happy with Him. He's everything I have asked for, and He says the same about me. I cant wait to be able to fully submit to Him.


Hello there Anakin and Padme from Journey to the darkside. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Please keep comming? To all those who come here and read my blog, please comment?

Star Wars questions to ponder...

1. Do you have a Lightsaber?

2. Did the Sith always use red for their blades?

3. What colors did the Jedi use?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Greatful Tuesdays Letter F

Hello there here is my list of the letter F.

Fun - I am greatful for times when I can have Fun

Fantasy - I am greatful for stories and movies that deal with fantasy like LOTR, and Robin Hood.

Fiction - I am greatful for all the Fan Fiction stories I read on line about SW, and other shows, movies, etc..

Funny - I am greatful for a funny sense of humor, and when people are funny.

Force - I am greatful for the Force and the guideance it gives me.

Finding things - I am greatful when I find something new or lost.

Friends - I am greatful for all my friends like Anakin and Padme.

Forever - I am greatful for forever because it's longer than never.

Food - I am greatful for all the different types of food I like.

Fan - I am greatful to be a Fan of so many different people.

Well there's my list of F's...

Other news: Things are going well with Alex and I. He is soon to get his Rogue # for the local SW fan club. We like watching Deal or No Deal when we're together.

School News: Classes started this week. I like how they are set up. You can look to the next week to get them done early.

Shout Outs: Padme, I miss you, get well soon! Anakin how's it going? Alex, my Beloved Master, I love you.

SW Questions to ponder:
1. What do you think Vader did on his days off?

2. What do you think Palpatine did on his days off?

3. Did Vader or Palpatine play golf?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Greatful Tuesdays

Hello there today is Greatful Tuesday! Todays letter is E!

Ewan McGregor - I am greatful for His singing and acting tallents.

Empire StrikesBack - I am greatful to watch that every time!

Evergreens - I am greatful for their colors and shade.

Enchalada's - I amgreatful for their yummy tastes.

Escascy - I am greatful for this feeling.

Excitement - I am greatful for this feeling.

Ok thats all I could name for the letter E.

School News... Classes start on October 9th. I only took 2 classes this term. I am taking Health 101 and Meditation 101. This term should be quite intresting, none the less...

Shout outs .... Hello there Anakin and Padme! I have truelly enjoyed Your blog posts on http://darkside-journey.blogspot.com/ Great Bloggings!

Other News .... Alex and I are learning more and more about one another every day! I am in love with Him!

SW questions to ponder....

1. Do you think Leia liked Chewie?

2. Did Chewie, seem to always be in a bad mood?

3. How did anyone ever understand Chewie?