Gratitude Tuesdays Letter H

Hello there,
Here's my Greatful Tuesdays letter H list...
Husband - I am greatful for my wonderful Husband! I love him so much!
Honor - I am greatful to know how to show Honor.
Horor - I am greratful for all the cool horor movies out there.
Hayden Christensen - Again I list him because I am greatful for his wonderful acting abilities.
Harrison Ford - I am greatful he played Han Solo.
Hyperspace - I am greatful to be a member of
Hip-Hop - I am greatful for the beat.
Holidays - I am greatful for all the fun, the traditions, and the food on those days.
Halloween - I am greatful cuz of all the candy and the costuming!
Hugs - I am greatful for hugs.
Health - I am greatful for good healthy foods and fun to keep us all well.
Harps - I am greatful for their lovely, peaceful sound.
Homework - I am greatful when I get it all done.
Home - I am greatful to have a place to live.
Housework - I am greatful when that is done also.
Housewife - I am greatful Alex is allowing me to become a housewife.
Hot dogs - I am greatful to eat those at Baseball games.
Well thats all I could think of today.
News: Well I guess by now you know I am now happily married to Alex. Alex is the Dominate one I have truelly longed for in my life. I love the feeling of being submitted to Him. Now that we are married I am His. I belong totally to Him. I seek to please Him in every way!
School news: Well? I am finding it hard to stay on top of my Homework assingments. Maybe its because I lack the proper disipline? Maybe Alex can find a proper way to motivate me to do my work?
Shout Outs: I wanted to say this pic I chose today was cool! Thank you for allowing me to borrow it. I love it! I also wanted to say Hello to Anakin and Padme from for all the wonderful work they did on my blog and for the cards and the post announcing Alex's and mine wedding. Your the Best! Also thanks everyone who commented and wished Alex and I a wonderful life together.
Here's a few Star Wars Questions to ponder :
1. Do you think Obi-Wan accepted Anakin's and Padme's union?
2. Do you think Palpatine had a wife?
3. Do you think that durring the Jedi Purge around the time of the Galatic Empire that some Jedi's got married?
Well that's all I have for now... Until next Post, TTFN! May the Force be with You always!