Friday, July 28, 2006
About Me
- Name: padawanbeldapinik
- Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
My Name is Belda Pinik and I live at the Jedi Temple. I have lived here since shortly after my birth.

Previous Posts
- Padme tagged me again
- Meme from Padme and Anakin
- I miss my Friends
- LOL I'm in a funny mood tonight!
- Sad news about a friend
- Anakin and Padme vacation....
- Star Wars Party at Anakins and Padme's
- I find these photos to say so much.....Hello t...
- Here I am in my full Jedi outfit. I have been wo...
- SW charactor test


Thank you so much belda for putting the annoucement on your blog. We are trying to spread the word about the party right now to everyone!! It's going to be fun and a great time. I'm glad your going to be joining us!!
BIG HUGS to you tonight..
May the force be with you ...
I can put something on mine if someone sends me a reminder email....hey how did I do on your meme?
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