I find these photos to say so much.....
Hello there.... I'm back. Here's the news on what I've been up to...
Yesterday I was busy. First I changed my curtians then I changed my bedspread. Then I did 3 loads of laundry. Not to mention I also did 2 Homework assingments from the JEDI Academy. My second term started on July 10th. So Far I passed Adept 1, Communications 1 with at least a B. No-one in either of my classes got an A. Oh Well at least I passed, right? Last term, I was lazy when it came to doing my work. I think this term I'm going to do the work the day it's handed out I dont want to end up behind and doing catchup work all term like I did last Term.
LOL, I'd say I have been quite naughty.... I know I need to do better, and strive to do so. Especially if I one day want to become a Jedi? right? What do you think? I also feel I need someone who can properly disipline me to better construct my life. What do you think? Part of becomming a Jedi is being disiplined. Otherwise there would be complete choas! Just incase your wondering?? Yes, I am seeking to find a Jedi Master who will disipline me, correct me, and care for me the way a Jedi Master is susposed to. I need His strong guideance and disipline in my life! If Your of the Sith persuasion, that can work also. You must be strong in the Force!
I wanted to give a proper "Whatz up" to my Friends on Journey to the Darkside. LOL I feeling quite frisky today! I love the Ocean and the food pictures Anakin and Padme put up on Their site! They are planning on going camping, I know I'll miss Them and will have plenty of stuff to tell Them when they return. I sure wish I didnt live so far away from Them. Then We could really party! I will be Meditating for Them to have safe travles and fun. Enjoy the Camping trip, Be safe, Be well, and hurry back cuz You'll be missed very much!
I went to another Blog called After Paradise by Adam. He's Padme's and Anakin's Friend also. Nice Blog Adam. I spend lots of my time lurking on perples blogs. Most I comment on. Some I just lurk on.
Heres the SW questions??
Do you consider Yourself to be a Jedi?
Would you say your a Master?
Do you prefere the Sith to the Jedi?
Great blog post, belda. And really nice pictures of padme and Anakin. I hope you will find your Jedi one day, belda.
I definatly don't consider myself a Jedi...that is Master Anakin's area. :) I am so grateful for our friendship and I wish we lived closer too. I am sure we will meet one day...I love california!! :)
We'll miss you on the trip but take lots of photos for you...
Hello there Padme, and Adam. Thanks so much for commenting here. I am a Jedi all the way, but I consider myself to be a Youngling/Padawan as far as level's go.
Padme, I will miss you! Anakin's area, yeah Your right.
Adam, please do add me to Your Blog. It's good to know Your out there Welcome btw.
Great post, belda. You raise an excellent question. I would consider myself a Jedi, yes, but lacking the formal training in the ways of the Force; I did train under a Sith Lord for a while and learned a great deal from him about being a Master, I must say in all honesty. So I would say I have learned through natural, informal means the ways of the Force, and to learn to be a better, wiser Master. As for Jedi or Sith, I must say that each has its strengths. I feel I'm almost both, torn between quite often. Enjoying the strengths of one, the virtue of the other.
Thank you for the meditation; that is generous of you and welcome. Though we look forward to going away on a journey, we will look forward to returning as well.
Good luck in your studies. Do keep up; it's a much stronger and wiser position to be in that to be behind all the time. May the Force be with you, belda.
Hello there Anakin and welcome back to my blog! Yes You are right, I too notice a pull from both sides. But I am learning how to resist the lure to the Sith. I honestly think I'd make a good Sith at all. But yes, I am trying to keep up with my studies at the Jedi Academy. No Problem about the Meditation stuff. I am finding I am liking that. Oh and before I forget thank You for adding Adam's blogs and the counter thingy to my site. Your Awesome!
Padme, thanks for telling Anakin I needed help with it and thanks for mentioning me to Adam:-)
MTFBWY Always!
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