I'm back on line again.

Hello there, How has everyone been? I've been ok. My internet was down for a few weeks. I sure wish I had an R2 unit to fix things when they break down... This would make my life a little easier! I love little R2-D2!
Here's a little meme I found on Anakin and Padme's website Journey to the darkside!
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Cashier
2. Homecare provider
3. Nanny
4. Sales ascoiate
Four movies I would watch over and over!
1. Star Wars (all of them!)
2. Moulin Rouge
3. Life as a House
4. Big Fish
Four places I have lived :
1. Vallejo, Ca
2. Sacramento, Ca
3. Sun Valley, Nv
4. Charlston, NC
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. The Simpsons
2. Little House on the Prairie
3. Blue Collar TV
4. King of the Hill
( I really dont watch a lot of tv)
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Los Angels, Ca
2. San Francisco, Ca
3. Lake Tahoe, Nv
4. Indiana, In
Four web sites I visit often:
1. www.starwars.com
2. http://darkside-journey.blogspot.com/
3. http://p090.ezboard.com/bacademy
4. http://boards.theforce.net/sacramento_ca/b10140/p1
Four friends or family that have been tagged that I think will respond:
(Only Anakin and Padme have a blog, and I got this from them)
1. Padme
2. Anakin
3. Lisa
4. Nairys
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mexican
2. Itialian
3. French
4. Chinese
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Dagobah
2. Coruscant
3. Naboo
4. Tatooine
Four movies I would watch over and over:
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Welcome back :)
Good meme :)
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