Hello there, saw this MEME on Journey to the DarkSide website, thought it'd be a cool post, I'll be posting something else later about Star Wars maybe tonight? Until then enjoy....
Accent: Not to my knowledge?
Booze: None sorry, I have alergies to alchol
Chore I Hate: Cleaning the oven, that stuff stinks!
Essential Electronic: My Laptop, portable DVD player, my BoomBox
Favorite Perfume/Cologne: None really I have to many alergies
Gold/Silver: Silver, or White Gold
Insomnia: On occasion when I'm in pain due to my back or teeth
Job Title: Cashier at McDonalds, but maybe not for long?
Living Arrangements: I'm currently living with Family until I get Masrried
Most Admired Trait: Great listener
Number of Sexual Partners: 2
Overnight Hospital Stays: Once when I was 6 to have tubes put into my ears
Phobia: Spiders, Bee's, any type of Bugs!
Quote: "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda in Star Wars
Religion: Christian/ Jedi
Siblings: 1 a younger brother, but have many whom are adopted
Time I usually wake up: 8:15 am during the week
Unusual talents: I can Burp the entire alhabet
Vegetable I refuse to eat:Spegetti squash and yams
Worst Habit: Biting my nails and falling asleep watching movies... LOL!
X-Rays: Only a few that I can recal, I was really young.
Yummy Foods I Make: Cookies, cakes, Pasta dishes, bbq dishes
Zodiac Sign: I dont follow zodiac stuff sorry...
Accent: Not to my knowledge?
Booze: None sorry, I have alergies to alchol
Chore I Hate: Cleaning the oven, that stuff stinks!
Essential Electronic: My Laptop, portable DVD player, my BoomBox
Favorite Perfume/Cologne: None really I have to many alergies
Gold/Silver: Silver, or White Gold
Insomnia: On occasion when I'm in pain due to my back or teeth
Job Title: Cashier at McDonalds, but maybe not for long?
Living Arrangements: I'm currently living with Family until I get Masrried
Most Admired Trait: Great listener
Number of Sexual Partners: 2
Overnight Hospital Stays: Once when I was 6 to have tubes put into my ears
Phobia: Spiders, Bee's, any type of Bugs!
Quote: "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda in Star Wars
Religion: Christian/ Jedi
Siblings: 1 a younger brother, but have many whom are adopted
Time I usually wake up: 8:15 am during the week
Unusual talents: I can Burp the entire alhabet
Vegetable I refuse to eat:Spegetti squash and yams
Worst Habit: Biting my nails and falling asleep watching movies... LOL!
X-Rays: Only a few that I can recal, I was really young.
Yummy Foods I Make: Cookies, cakes, Pasta dishes, bbq dishes
Zodiac Sign: I dont follow zodiac stuff sorry...
I hope this goes through. I have had some blogger problems today. I loved your answers to the meme. We like the same quote. *big grins*
Thanks for doing the meme...glad we have gotten a chance to chat today...I missed you!
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