LOL I'm in a funny mood tonight!

News: yesterday I went to an Anime convention. I wore myself out bought about 6 Ewoks Commics, a Reconstruct Vader with Film clip, and accuired a Yoda figurine. I love Yoda and Vader/Anakin! When I got home I spent sometime on line watching various things from I Saw a really Funny one. Click on Link above to view the funny SW spoof. You can search for Your own ones there by typing in Star Wars into the search on You tube. I know You'll get a laugh outa that one!
Note to Anakin and Padme: I really am missing You! I cant wait to chat with You again soon!
Adam, nice blog post you did receintly. Cant wait to see You at Anakin and Padme's Star Wars party...
Here's my SW questions to ponder...
Who would You say made you laugh the most?
Do You like the watch the SW bloopers?
What funny thing would You do to what charactor just for laughs?
May the Force be with You always!
We missed you too, belda.
Glad to be back and chatting again.
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