Meme from last night on Journey to the Darkside's Blog

Some of these questions I have asked, here, I'm now going to provide my answers. For all who came by to party, It was great to meet You! For all who missed out, there will be others! We watched episode's 2 and 3 of Star Wars last night. this was great! We shared jokes, and Mel was the DJ! Wonderful sellection of songs! I was able to play a few funny sound waves form my computer! I wont keep You All waiting, So here's on to my answers...
1. Who is your favorite character on Star Wars?
Anakin/Vader, OBI-Wan, Yoda
2. Who is your favorite couple on Star Wars?
Anakin & Padme
3. Which character do you feel you relate to the most?
Anakin or Obi-wan
4. Who most on Star Wars deserved a spanking? or which character would you have liked to get spanked from?
I would love to be spanked by Darth Vader and or Palpatine
5. Which Star Wars movie was your favorite
Episode 3 and 6
6. Which Star Wars movie was your least favorite?
7. Do you wish there were more Star Wars movies coming in the future?
Oh Yes!
8. How old were you when you first watched a Star Wars movie?
I was 5 1/2
9. Who do you like the least on Star Wars?
General Grievous
10. What's your favorite scene in a Star Wars movie?
Any thing with Anakin or Vader
11. What's your favorite Star Wars quote?
Do or do not there is no try
12. What's your favorite planet in the Star Wars universe?
Thanks for doing the meme, belda. I loved all your answers. Some surprised me and others were a surprise. We had a lot of fun at the party and I really thank you a lot for the idea for it. It was a great one and so much fun!! I really enjoyed talking to on the phone last night. :)
Thank you for your friendship...
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